thank you!

“Art is the highest form of hope.”

Gerhard Richter


I want to take a moment to thank everyone– from the bottom, top, sides, center, ventricles, atriums, and vena cavas of my heart–for making it possible to a) send art of hope to your homes, and b) send support to the families of Daily Rubi, Francisco, Michel, Gabriela, Madelin, Felipe, Jeyson, Fernando, and Sofia in times of heightened financial uncertainty. At the moment I genuinely cannot think of a gesture that is more meaningful to me.


The idea for Art & the Heart did not come from me, but I’m so grateful it came to me and that I’ve been able to witness the ways it has just proclaimed our connectedness across social distances. You sent art, purchased art, received art, shared art. Proceeds have nearly tripled the original goal, meaning that over time the Finca and each of the former Kindergarten families will be receiving 55 dollars–around 1400 Lempiras–and counting.


After the first set of MoneyGrams were sent to Honduras, many students’ parents asked that I relay their deep thanks to everyone who contributed, and they praised a God of constant, creative providence. Many also responded with picture messages of the now-first graders: writing in notebooks, reading textbooks, splashing in a nearby natural spring with their siblings, making their own art during this time at home…..melting Profa Ally into a happy little puddle….


In the beginning of COVID-19 shutdowns, when things started to feel a little bit eerie and overwhelming, I wrote this down: “These are the times when artists rise up and generous hearts overflow.” Art & the Heart is one tiny example of these surprising enterprises of hope, and while we’re on this hopeful roll I think I’ll just go ahead and share some other incredible ones I’ve come across:


  1. My Dear New Friend ( is an initiative for children home from school to write letters to a resident of a local assisted living community, and begin ongoing correspondence with this “dear new friend.” An adorable example:

2. Vagabonds Missions is hosting Meals and Hope this Wednesday, May 6 at 7PM EST. I adore how this flips the typical nice-gala-for-donors fundraising event on its head: While donors tune in to a virtual event of uplifting talks, testimonials, and worship music (including live performances by Matt Maher!), Vagabonds missionaries will be serving over 1,000 meals to lower income families in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Learn more and snag a ticket here:

3. Last week a woman named Linda paid for her meal at the Panera drive-thru window, and as I went to pass her debit card back she said, “Before I pull away, please go ahead and use that to pay for the next person’s order.” The next person was an elderly man whose entire face lit up when I told him his bagels and coffee were already covered.


We see it again and again: Hope is a creative act. Thank you to everyone out there for your witness to hope in the artful, generous way you live your life! I am so very inspired by you.


