Artist Statement for “Chosen Family”

Someone I love, who’s in an older generation, asked me, “What exactly is Pride?” when she heard that I walked in the parade last week. I appreciated her curiosity and responded, “It’s… people owning who they are, and supporting each other in doing that.”

It struck me how simple that was. And how beautiful. And also heartbreaking, in that it’s born of necessity, this stubborn will of human spirits fighting against years of people and doctrine and law telling them to be something they’re not.

This painting was born admittedly out of some of that heartbreak (read also: rage at injustice) needing somewhere to go, but it alchemized quickly to hope:

There are people who love you and who will celebrate all of who you are. I repeat: There are people who love you and who will celebrate all of who you are.

Be that person to yourself, be that person to others, and surround yourself with those people. It’s needed, it’s sacred, it’s possible.


“Chosen Family.” 16″x20″x5/8″ acrylic on canvas. June 2023.